Conservation Fund
The Cameron Park Zoo is at the forefront of Conservation activities, not only locally, but globally. Members of the Cameron Park Zoo staff have traveled all over the world in order to assist with orangutan and reptile conservation activities, the relocation of endangered animals, and in developing plans to re-introduce species to specific environments.
The Conservation Fund at Cameron Park Zoo is a restricted fund, which means that money donated to this fund cannot be used for any other purpose at the Zoo. It also means that we can continue to take the necessary steps to educate people about conservation of natural places, natural resources, and endangered animals. All gifts to this fund are completely tax deductible.

Enrichment Fund
Environmental enrichment is the process of providing stimulating environments for Zoo animals in order for them to demonstrate their species-typical behavior, to allow them exercise control or choice over their environment, and to enhance their well-being. It often includes the introduction of objects, sounds, smells or other stimuli in the animal’s habitat. Environmental enrichment is just as critical to Zoo animal welfare as nutrition and veterinary care, and this fund allows your tax deductible gift to be used solely to benefit our animals.
Enrichment is provided in a variety of ways, such as:
- Training: interaction with the keeper and proper training allows an animal to choose to participate. This is also useful in gaining the animal’s trust and allows the keeper close, visual observations of that animal.
- Olfactory: a keeper can introduce natural predator or prey scents, in addition to novel smells or pheromone scents.
- Auditory: taped sounds or vocalizations can simulate things that an animal may hear in the wild.
- Food related: this is the most widely used form of enrichment. Keepers can present food in a variety of ways such as in a simple puzzle feeder, hidden throughout the enclosure, scattered about the enclosure, or buried. To get the food, the animal must use natural foraging behaviors and/or solve the puzzle.
- Objects: various items placed in an animal’s enclosure allow the animal to mimic behaviors exhibited in the wild or could challenge them. These items could include burlap bags, sheets, boomer balls, chew toys, or a hammock.
At Cameron Park Zoo, enrichment is an important part of the care and husbandry programs provided for each species housed at our facility. Enrichment programs play an important role in the physical and psychological well being of the animals. Several of our animals participate in our animal art enrichment program where they either blow paint or use a paint brush to create unique paintings. Shop the collection and have a one of a kind painting delivered to you.

Shop the Artwork
Support your favorite animals while adding a unique, one-of-a-kind artwork to your collection. Each custom piece of art is crafted by the animals at Cameron Park Zoo using non-toxic, animal-safe paints and techniques that allow them to express their natural behaviors creatively.
Every dollar from your purchase goes directly into our Animal Enrichment Fund, which helps provide engaging toys, activities, and experiences designed to stimulate their minds and bodies. Your contribution supports their care and well-being
Order your custom piece today and own a beautiful reminder of your connection to wildlife!

Education Fund
The Education Fund at the Cameron Park Zoo helps to fund the many schools, camps, and presentations that the Education Department does throughout the year. Some of the emergent needs faced by the education department may be increases in transportation costs when taking the Zoo Mobile to a school, or prices of student’s supplies for programs increasing. Education is part of our mission at the Cameron Park Zoo, and we always hope to be able to give the best presentations and programs possible for the thousands of children and adults that we reach out to all year.

Please contact 254-275-1736 in order to speak with someone about making a gift to Cameron Park Zoo.